For Sales Professionals, Coaches and B2B Businesses:

Discover The Best Sales Strategy That Will Skyrocket Your Sales Performance & Maximize Your Profits

Find out how you can greatly increase your revenue with this simple sales idea

The Biggest Reason You’re Losing Sales & Leaving Huge Profits On The Table.

Every profit-driven business operates on a single driving factor- Sales.

Many businesses have certain sales systems in place that are supposed to help businesses generate sales more efficiently...

Although all of those business have a sales system in place, there are businesses that use those systems as a support and there are others that solely rely on those systems to boost there sales, there's a problem...

And the problem is that majority of those businesses never change or improve their systems and most importantly their scripts.

Many businesses still rely on outdated scripts that may have worked decades ago but are now outdated, which leads to inefficient sales systems that fail to deliver the desired results and therefore, you continuously lose out on sales.

No matter the current state of your sales systems or scripts, every business has the potential to achieve remarkable sales growth by simply overhauling or making simple adjustments to the sales process.

So what can you do to you overcome these challenges and unlock your business's full revenue and profit potential?

To find out, you'll need to implement a simple yet powerful strategy that businesses have used for decades..

That strategy is sales scripting

Read on, and I’ll show you exactly how it works...

The Overlooked Strategy Most Businesses Fail To Use Causing A Loss On Sales: Sales Scripting

The secret yet simple strategy to skyrocket your sales results is Sales Scripting.

Although sales scripting has been a proven strategy for decades, many people reject it, believing that scripts sound robotic and unnatural, as if reading from a page rather than engaging in a genuine human-to-human interaction.

Although this is what most people think of a script, it’s not true and that is not what a real sales script is.

An true sales script is crafted to align with your business's messaging and values, allowing you to clearly convey the true value of your products and services, making customers more to buy from you.

This sales script integrates seamlessly into your existing sales systems, enhancing the sales performance and skyrocketing your sales.

Sales scripting is the most profitable idea I have ever learned because It’s the bridge that unleashes a businesses sales and profit potential....

And I've designed a program to help you create your own sales scripts & unlock your profit potential


The Sales Champion Protégé Program

(The Most Profitable Sales Strategy For Your Business)

Join Today and Get Access to:

  • 17 video module Sales mastery course

  • 2x per month live zoom going over a sales lesson

  • 2 Day Sales Script Writing Virtual Boot Camp

  • Private Facebook Group

Normal Price: $2506

Special Price $397

Here’s Everything You Get Once You Join The Program:

17 video module Sales mastery course

($999 In Value)

These 17 modules offer a collection of sales lessons, trainings, and past recordings.

Each module is designed to equip you with proven strategies and techniques that will elevate your sales performance and drive business growth.

live zoom sales lesson 2x per month

($497 in Value)

The format of the call is 30 minutes of content and 30 minutes of Q & A.

Each week you will receive a copy of the notes of all the key ideas that will be covered during the call.

2 Day Sales Script Writing Virtual Boot Camp

($399 in Value)

Train LIVE with Eric Lofholm for 2 days and write Your Sales Scripts!

This Boot Camp will teach you how to make MORE sales by focusing on closing MORE leads with an effective sales closing strategy!

Access To Private Facebook Group

($599 in Value)

Interact, engage and join the community of other Protégé members with 24/7 engagement and service.

You can also connect and grow with other students as well as learn from other students who’ve had success with this program and their business.

Plus Exclusive Free Bonuses

Bonus #1 - Lifetime membership

Bonus #2 - Script Writing Course $995

Bonus #3 - Sales Mastery Course $299

Bonus #4 - Goal Setting mastery Course $99

Bonus #5 - Time management mastery course $99

Total Value: $3986

Your Price: $397

This Program is Designed To Unlock Your Business's True Sales Potential.

Many businesses miss out on significant sales simply because they lack the right sales scripts to capture their full potential.

Sales scripting is one of the most effective ways to optimize your existing systems and boost your sales performance.

The Sales Champion Protégé Program is designed for businesses experiencing a slowdown in sales, offering the adjustments needed to increase your sales process and drive growth.

Just as no great movie is made without a great script, there is no successful that business truly thrives without a well-defined sales script that clearly communicates its value and message of the business's products to your customers.

Start building your sales scripting process today and unlock the full potential of your business!

Eric Lofholm

President & CEO of Sales Champion


Who is this program for?

The Sales Champion Protégé Program is for all business owners that rely on or need a sales process to generate sales.

The program helps with enhancing your sales process with defined sales scripts that communicate the true value of your products/services.

Will this program work for me as a beginner?

Yes, this program is applicable for business owners at any experience level.

Will you show me how to increase my sales with sales scripting?

Yes. You will have group calls, video modules and live trainings on crafting your own sales script with my direct help.

Are there any refund policies?

Yes, we offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

Do you offer any payment plans?

Absolutely, you can pay $397 right or 8 monthly payments of $50